Phone: 316-835-2286
Ext: 303
Residents must come in person to City Hall with their ID to put utilities in their name.
● Gas- Dollar amount is per thousand cubic feet (price subject to change monthly)
● Refuse - $19.00
●Senior Refuse - $16.00 Sign-Up for your Senior Discount Today!
● Additional Refuse Cart - $6.50
● Stormwater Utility - $2.00
● Wastewater - $34.07 for the first 2,000 gallons of water consumed, $.0018 per gallon to 50,000 gallons, and $.0036 per gallon over 50,000 gallons.
● Water - Base fee of $23.50 for the first 1,500 gallons. $.0202 per gallon thereafter.
Water Fee $.000032 per gallon.
For details on the following programs please call or stop by City Hall:
Utility Level-Pay Plan (May is sign-up month)
E-Bill - You can choose to receive your bill via email instead of paper
You can email forms to
Cable/Telephone/Internet Service Options
AT&T Telephone (1-800-464-7928)
Cox Cable (1-888-495-0220)
Channel 7 is the City Information Channel
Ideatek (1-855-IDEATEK)
Electric Service: Evergy (1-800-383-1183)
The current consumer confidence report can be found at Consumer Confidence Report
Notice of hydrant flushing is given in the Halstead Newsletter, Facebook, & on the Marquee. During that time, the water will be rusty and not recommended for laundry purposes. Flush pipes by running cold water till water runs clear.
Building permits are required for a multitude of projects that you may do on your home. Visit the link below for more info & requirements.
All contractors performing work in Halstead MUST be licensed with the City of Halstead. Visit the link below if you need to check your contractor's registration status or if you need a list of licensed contractors
There are multiple ways the City of Halstead communicates with residents.
City of Halstead Mobile App: Pay your bill, look at upcoming community events, view documents, & get notifications about utility bill due dates & changes in trash schedules.
Facebook: City of Halstead, Kansas is the city’s Facebook page. Please follow us on Facebook to get updates on City events.
Newsletter: The Halstead Newsletter will be printed quarterly and mailed to each utility customer. Any customers that sign up for E-Bills can view the newsletter on our website. Check out our latest Newsletter.
Marquee: Located at the corner of 3rd and Main, the Marquee is used to broadcast important dates and public events.
Channel 7: This is the City’s public service information channel and is broadcast via the carrier Cox Communications.
Gas Leak: If you smell gas, or have a gas emergency immediately exit the building, go to the closest phone, and immediately report your findings. During business hours you can call City Hall but after hours call 911. Do not wait until City Hall opens the next day to make a report! Natural gas has an added odorant that makes it smell like rotten eggs.
Storm Shelter: When tornado warning sirens are sounded, emergency services personnel will open the doors located at the Kansas Learning Center for Health located at 505 Main Street.
Animal Control: This service is ran by the Halstead Police Department, if you need to make a report please call 911. They will assist with animal attacks, dogs at large, and other similar emergencies. They do not deal with wild animals unless they are a danger to the public. However, they do have traps available on a first come first serve basis that you may request. Though the rental of these traps is free you will have to dispose of the animal yourself.
Reflective Address Markers: These bright address signs are easy to see both day and night and help Fire/EMS find your address easily in the event of an emergency. They are available for $15 at the Fire/EMS Station or City Hall.
Dogs & Cats: Yearly registration & vaccination is required for all animals 6 months of age or older living in Halstead City limits.
Chickens & Domesticated Ducks: Annual licensing is required.
Golf Carts require a one-time inspection &annual registration with the City.
Anyone driving an unregistered golf carts is subject to tickets & fines.