City Projects

Major Capital Improvement Projects

Ongoing capital projects include the following:

  • $2.05 million street and utility construction project that includes 30+ build ready lots in the Cedar Meadows 2nd subdivision and the extension of Main Street from 10th to 14th streets

  • $600,000 sidewalk and crosswalk improvements along west 6th Street and Chestnut Street and re-striping of 6th Street as part of the city's Safe Routes to School (SRTS) plan

  • $250,000 industrial speculative building project in the Halstead Industrial Park funded in part by the Building a Stronger Economy (BASE 2.0) grant from the Kansas Department of Commerce

  • Ongoing street maintenance and rehabilitation throughout the city (since 2017 the city has completed over $1.9 million in street improvement projects)

Completed capital projects include the following:

  • $210,000 in improvements at Wedgewood Golf Course including a clubhouse remodel in 2021  and fairway, cart path, and parking lot improvements in 2018

  • $250,000 in field and irrigation improvements at the Riverside baseball diamond in 2016

  • $1.5 million new Fire/EMS station and City Hall remodel in 2011

  • $350,000 new Public Works/City Shop facility in 2010

  • $1.4 million new outdoor family aquatic center in 2009

  • $1.2 million in Wastewater Treatment Plant upgrades with projects in 2007 and 1999

  • $325,000 irrigation system improvements at Wedgewood Golf Course in 2006

  • 36 acre expansion of the Halstead Industrial Park on the western edge of the city including city utility extension and improvements to Industrial Road in 1999

  • Formation of Public Wholesale Water Supply District #17, a water acquisition and consolidation project in cooperation with the cities of Newton, North Newton and Sedgwick, that secures Halstead's water needs for the foreseeable future in 1997

  • Construction of a 1.7 mile Warkentin Trail along the top of the Halstead Flood Control Levee

Natural Disaster Protection - Halstead Flood Control Project

An $11 million federal flood control project, completed in 1994, protects over 2100 people, 1200 buildings, and approximately $240 million in property from the periodic flooding on the Little Arkansas River which had caused serious problems throughout the Halstead's history. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) constructed the project and upon its dedication on August 13, 1994, ownership of the levee was transferred to the City of Halstead for ongoing operation, maintenance, and repair. The total levee is around 4 miles long and includes three gates that are closed during high water events depending on water height.