A monthly bill will arrive around the 1st of each month and must be paid by 5pm on the 15th
(or first business day following if the 15th lands on a weekend or holiday).
Delinquent Charges/Notices
Penalty charges are assessed 5pm on the 15th. The penalty on gas is 10% of the charge, and all remaining services have a 5% penalty. Delinquent notices are mailed after the 15th.
Landlords will receive duplicate notices of delinquency!
In the event of an emergency, a payment agreement can be written if customer cannot pay before 5pm on the 23rd. All agreements must be signed at City Hall before 5pm on the 22nd of each month. Agreement terms are below.
Reconnection of Services
Reconnect fees are assessed at 5pm on the 23rd of every month regardless of whether services were physically disconnected or terminated at the meter. Any utility service subject to disconnection or termination for nonpayment or delinquent payment per Section 15-102:103 shall be assessed a fee, together with any other charges and fees.
Subsequent disconnects are charged as follows
*First reconnect - $25
*Second reconnect within 24 months - $50
*Fourth reconnect and all subsequent reconnects within a 24 month period - $75
***Landlords will be notified of all disconnects
Utility Level-Pay Plan
May is sign-up month. The levelized amount is determined by averaging the customer's last 12 months' utility bills. The months to be averaged are: January through May of the current year and June through December of the prior year. The level pay amount is valid for 11 months and every May the account is balanced and re-averaged for the next plan year. Details and sign-up forms are available at City Hall.
Paperless Billing
Also for your convenience, complete the Electronic Billing Application to have your utility bill emailed to you. You can email the completed completed form to The form can also be mailed to P.O. Box 312 or placed in one of the payment drop boxes. The Electronic Billing Application is available by clicking the link below.
Payment Options
The City of Halstead offers a variety of payment options:
Pay by cash, check or credit card at City Hall
Pay over the phone with your credit card
There are also 2 payment drop boxes available. Payments are accepted by check only for this option.
One is located outside the east entrance of City Hall and another is located on the west side of the alley behind City Hall.
Online Bill Pay - Clink the link to be directed to our online bill pay option. For help paying online see the Online Bill Pay Instructions below.
Utility Auto Debit Plan - Payment is deducted directly from your checking account on the 15th of each month. Sign up forms are available below or at City Hall. Fill out the form and return to City Hall.