Halstead Police Department

police car

Professional Service Through Courtesy and Integrity.

It shall be the general duty of the Chief of Police and all sworn law enforcement personnel to the best of their ability to preserve good order, peace and quiet throughout the city as provided by law or ordinance. 

Animal Control

The role of Animal Control shall be fulfilled by the Halstead Police Department.
If you are in need of Animal Control for a Dog at large please call 9-1-1, and they will dispatch a Halstead Police Officer. 

The Halstead Police Department is NOT responsible for feral cats or wild animals unless they pose a threat to the community.
◾ If you have the need for an animal trap due to feral felines or other wildlife please contact the Halstead Police Department during business hours to obtain the equipment. 
**These will be available by loan on a first come first serve basis.

animal control

VIN Inspections

Members of the Halstead Police Department are certified by the Kansas Highway Patrol to conduct these inspections.

  • Appointments are appreciated

    • They can be done Monday-Friday from 8:30am-4:30pm. 

    • No inspections will be done in the afternoon on the 1st or 3rd Wednesday of the month due to Municipal Court. 

    • Inspections will not be done if it is raining/snowing.

  • The cost of the inspection is $20 and that can be paid with cash.

  • Bring the title, your drivers license, and the vehicle.
    ***We cannot do inspections on salvaged, rebuilt, or homemade "titles" .  Those have to be taken to the KHP office at 1900 E. Tigua street, Kechi, KS 67067.   

Municipal Court

Court Dates:
1st & 3rd Wednesdays every month @ 1:30pm

Court Address:
303 Main Street
Entrance is on North Side of City Hall, doors open @ 1:15pm

Appearance Requirements:
- Please bring all documents that pertain to your case or citation. This includes receipts for tags, driver’s licenses, proof of insurance, etc.
- Appropriate clothing and shoes will be worn.

court entrance

Randy Pankratz

Randall Pankratz

Municipal Judge

Brad Jantz

Brad Jantz

City Attorney/Prosecutor

Code Violations

When individuals or businesses fail to comply with local ordinances designed to maintain public health, safety, and overall community standards they may receive a Code Violation Notice.

If you have questions about your code violation please contact the Halstead Police Department.

click it or ticket


The Halstead Police Department is a big proponent of seat belt use.  The department does participate in the Click-it-or-Ticket traffic enforcement campaign and would like to encourage everyone to be safe and buckle up!

This is a 2 part campaign.  The first step is to focus on the promotion of seat belt safety while the second step is to prevent driving while intoxicated. 
You Drink, You Drive, You Lose. 

Gun Range

The gun range by the waste water treatment plant is for the Halstead Police Department.  Halstead's insurance regulations strictly prohibited public use of the gun range.


In accordance with the Uniform Public Offense Code for Kansas Cities Section 10.5 - 10.6:

The discharge of a firearm within or into the corporate limits of any city is strictly prohibited.
The operation of an air gun, air rifle, bow and arrow, slingshot, BB gun, or paintball gun within the City is prohibited.

To read the complete code click here.

Toshia Hoover

Toshia Hoover

Court/Police Clerk


Mason Hinz

Deputy Chief


Josh Crowe

Police Officer


Annika Krehbiel

Police Officer


Josh Manning

Police Officer

Halstead Police Department Hours : M-F 8am-5pm
For afterhours emergencies call 911

For more literature on the Police Department or to speak with a staff member
please complete an Information Request Form.