Building Permits

Building Permits are required the the following work:

  • Fencing

  • Concrete Work

  • Electrical/Plumbing Work

  • HVAC Installation

  • Roofing

  • Egress Window

  • Storage Shed/Carport/Garage

  • Decks/Porches

  • Inground Swimming Pools

  • Foundation Repair

  • Demolition/Excavation

  • House Moving

  • Industrial Garbage Bins

For the complete list please call City Hall.

Resolution No. 01-11-99-01
A resolution establishing fees for permits for construction, alteration, additions to, or repair of buildings and structures in the City of Halstead, Kansas.
Whereas, the City of Halstead, Kansas, wishes to establish fees for permits for construction, alteration, additions to, or repair of buildings and structures;
Therefore, be it resolved by the governing body of the city of Halstead, Kansas

Permit Fees

Permit Fees are based on the total valuation of the project. This does not include inspections fees.

Total Project Valuation


Fence Permits


$0 to $5,000


$5,001 to $10,000


$10,001 to $50,000


$50,001 to $100,000


$100,001 to $250,000


$250,000 to $500,000


$500,001 to $1,000,000


$1,000,000 and up


Section 1. Fees 
No permit for construction, alteration, additions to, or repair of buildings and structures shall be issued until the applicant for the permit shall have paid the proper fee therefore. The fee shall be computed upon the estimated valuation of the construction, alteration, additions or repairs of the buildings or structures, as furnished by the applicant, and determined as follows:

Adopted and approved by the Governing Body of the City of Halstead, Kansas, on the 11th day of January 1999.


Inspections are required on the following work:

  • Foundations/Anchors/Footings

  • Construction Meters

  • Gas/Sewer/Water Service

  • Electrical Work

  • HVAC Work

  • Plumbing Work - (Water & Sewer)

  • Fireplaces

For the complete list please call City Hall.

**Inspections MUST be requested 24hrs in advance.

Inspection Fees

(a) An inspection fee of $25 per inspection shall be paid to the city for each inspection deemed necessary by the building inspector.
(b) A fee of $25 shall be paid to the city before any building or construction work will be approved or a certificate of approval issued.

Resolution No. 02-08-99-03
A resolution amending section 4-218 of the code of the City of Halstead and establishing inspection fee for each inspection deemed necessary by the building inspector in the city of Halstead, Kansas.
Whereas, the City of Halstead, Kansas, wishes to amend Section 4-218 of the Code of the City of Halstead;
Therefore, be it resolved by the governing body of the City Of Halstead, Kansas:

Adopted and Approved by the Governing Body of the City of Halstead, Kansas, on the 8th day of February, 1999.

City Programs

Sidewalk Installation/Replacement Grant Program
Neighborhood Revitalization Program
Halstead DRAGON Grant Program

*To inquire if funds are still available for these programs please contact City Hall


ALL contractors doing work in Halstead City Limits are required to license as a contractor with the City of Halstead.